3-20. ADP Status and Control Panel Repairs
(3) Remove attaching nut and washers and
To remove and replace a defective component mounted
remove switch from panel.
on MS or CS ADP status and control panel (figs. 2-7 and
b. Replacement.
3-21. Indicator Removal and Replacement
(1) Insert switch on panel and secure with
a. Removal.
washers and nut.
(1)Loosen captive fasteners which secure
(2) Solder wires.
panel. Swing hinged panel open for access to
(3) Secure panel with captive screws.
rear of panel.
(4) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
(2) Shut off power to area of panel being
repaired by setting applicable circuit breakers on circuit
3-24. Rotary Switch Removal and Replacement a.
breaker panel to OFF position:
c) While repairing PROCESSOR 1 area of
panel, set all four PROCESSOR 1 circuit breakers to
(2) Tag and unsolder wires.
(3) Remove knob.
(b) When repairing PROCESSOR 2 area of
(4) Remove attaching nut and remove switch
panel, set all four PROCESSOR 2 circuit breakers to
from panel.
b. Replacement.
(c) While repairing INTERFACE CONTROL
(1) Insert switch in panel and secure with nut.
area of panel, set all IFCU circuit breakers (four in
(2) Install knob.
message switch, one in circuit switch) to OFF.
(3) Solder wires.
(3) Tag and unsolder wires.
(4) Secure panel with captive screws.
(4) Squeeze retaining spring and push
indicator out through front of panel.
(5) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
b. Replacement.
3-25. Digital Thumb Switch Removal and Replacement
(1) Insert indicator in front panel until
a Removal.
retaining spring snaps in place.
(2) Solder wires.
(2) Tag and unsolder wires.
(3) Secure panel with captive screws.
(3) Remove screws securing switch and
(4) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
remove switch from panel.
b. Replacement.
3-22. Indicator Switch Removal and Replacement
(1) Insert switch in panel and secure switch to
a. Removal.
panel with screws.
(2) Solder wires.
(2) Tag and unsolder wires.
(3) Secure panel with captive screws.
(3) Loosen screws on rear side of switch
(4) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
securing switch to panel.
(4) Slide retaining brackets of switch and
3-26. LED Digital Assembly Removal and
remove switch from panel.
b. Replacement.
(1) Insert switch in panel.
Replacement of a digital readout
(2) Slide retaining brackets on switch.
assembly requires unsoldering of
(3) Secure screws on rear side of switch.
numerous connections.
It may be
(4) Solder wires.
more convenient to remove entire
(5) Secure panel with captive screws.
panel before proceeding. Also, it may
(6) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
individual defective digit LED readout
3-23. Toggle Switch Removal and Replacement
since less unsoldering is involved.
a. Removal.
a. Removal.
(1) Perform steps a(1l) and (2), paragraph 3-
(2) Tag and unsolder all wires.