TM 11-5895-856-34-1/ E E640-CA-MMI-010/E 154 CPU/TO 31W2-2T-122-1
(3) Remove screws securing bracket and
3-31 for power cable repair.
remove readout assembly from panel.
b. Replacement.
3-29. Ribbon Cable Removal and Replacement
(1) Insert readout assembly in panel and
Perform the following procedures to remove and replace
bracket with screws.
ribbon cables.
(2) Solder wires.
a. Removal.
(3) Secure panel with captive screws.
(1) Determine location of both ends of cable
(4) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
by referring to cable interconnection diagrams (figs. FO-
3 and FO-5).
(2) Gain access to both ends of cable by
3-27. Terminal Board Mounted Diode Removal and
loosening captive fasteners and swinging out
appropriate doors.
(3) Shut off power to involved equipment
a. Removal.
using circuit breakers on circuit breaker panel.
(1) Perform steps a(1) and (2), paragraph 3-
(4) Disconnect any cables in the way of cable
to be replaced. Note location of these cables. Use
(2) Unsolder diode and remove from terminal
circuit card extractor to disconnect flat ribbon cable
b. Replacement.
(5) Disconnect cable to be replaced.
(1) Solder diode to terminal posts.
(6) Disconnect clamps and retainers which
(2) Secure panel with captive screws.
secure cable. Remove cable.
(3) Set applicable circuit breakers to ON
b. Replacement.
(1) Install new cable.
(2) Connect clamps and retainers to secure
3-28. Cable Maintenance
(3) Reconnect any cable that was in the way
Cables used in the circuit switch and message switch
of the cable to be replaced.
CPGS are of three basic types: ribbon, special purpose
(4) Close door.
(signal), and power cables.
(5) Set applicable circuit breakers on circuit
a. Ribbon Cables. The ribbon cables (W501-
breaker panel to ON position.
W639) are non-repairable and maintenance consists of
removal and replacement when inspection or test
3-30. Power Cables (W201-W213, W235, W650 and
discloses that a ribbon cable is damaged. Refer to
W651) Repair
b. Special Purpose Cables (Signal). The special
circuit switch and message switch to connect the power
purpose cables (W101-W127, W129-W133 and W640)
group to the MCMU, IFCU, CPU, and IOU (figs. FO-3
are repairable and consist of removal and replacement
and FO-5 cable interconnection diagrams). Repair of
of damaged connector or pins. Refer to TM 11-5805-
these cables consists of removal and replacement of
683-34-3 for repair procedures.
contact pins on P1.
c. Power Cables. The power cables (W201-W213,
W214-W235, W650 and W651) are repairable and
consist of removal and replacement of damaged