TM 11-5895-856-34-1/EE640-CA-MMI-010/ E154 CPU/TO 31W2-2T-122-1
two device commands: indicated data received without
2-initiate information transfer. Upon receipt of a start
error and indicated error detected during input. Upon
command, the PPI will execute an interrupt to the off-
receiving the device command, the PPI will modify the
line CPU. The status byte will be transmitted via the
status byte by clearing the start command and executing
interrupt. The PPI then waits until an acknowledge
an interrupt to the on-line CPU.
The data error
device command is received from the off-line CPU
command will cause the parity error bit for the off-line
before initiating the automatic transfer from the on-line
CPU to be set in the status byte. Upon receiving the
CPU (auto output) to the off-line CPU (auto input). The
interrupt, the on-line CPU will issue a release command
data transfer at this point is limited up to 50,000 words-
to give up control of the PPI or a new start command to
per-second by a free-running timer. The PPI will
continue operation. On power-up and upon receipt of a
continue transferring data words via the automatic
master reset or device stop command from either CPU,
functions until terminated by the on-line CPU. At this
the PPI control logic will be initialized.
point, the PPI will execute an interrupt to the off-line
CPU. The off-line CPU then issues one of the following
2-23. General
for status monitoring and functional control of the
contains the controls and indicators necessary
Figure 2-7. ADP Status and Control Panel (Message Switch).