TM 11-5895-856-34-1/EE640-CA-MMI-010/ E154 CPU/TO 31W2-2T-122-1
The LPC operates in one of two states: active or
2-21. Random Access Storage Controller
inactive. The active state is entered whenever a device
command to enable data transfer is detected. In this
The random access storage controller (RASC) provides
state, data is transferred from the computer to the line
the interface between a random access storage (RAS)
printer in response to a data request from the line
unit and the two processors. The RASC can access any
A command to determine status will be
given sector and track address on any selected RAS in
acknowledged in the active state; however, a command
a maximum of 34 milliseconds. Each track is divided
to perform the self-test will not be accepted. The
into 90 data sectors and one maintenance sector. A
inactive state is entered on power up, receipt of a
sector contains 21 data words and a longitudinal
master reset or device stop command, and on detection
redundancy check word, each consisting of 32 data bits
of an end-of-block. A command to determine status will
plus one parity bit. The RASC has an average transfer
be acknowledged in the inactive state as well as in the
rate of 57,000 33-bit words per second. The RASC is
active state. A command to perform self-test will also
connected to the computer via an IOE interface.
be acknowledged in the inactive state.
Functional organization of the RASC is shown in the
Figure 2-5. RASC Block Diagram.
A dual-channel switch allows access to the RASC by
and checked for each sector of the disc. An on-line
either or two computers on a switched basis. The I/O
cycle test capability is provided whereby the RASC is
module connected between the RASC and RAS
commanded to read the contents of an entire disc,
monitors the ready status of each of the discs and
checking all data for parity and cyclic check errors,
controls and data paths between the RASC and RAS.
without transferring any data to the computer. The
All command codes and data from the computer are
RASC receives commands either from the processor or
checked by the RASC for correct parity. Each word
directly from memory. These commands are divided so
read from the RAS includes a parity bit which is checked
that the RASC control type commands originate in the
and each word written includes a parity bit generated by
processor while the operational type commands are
the RASC. In addition, a cyclic check-word is written