TM 11-5895-856-34-1/EE640-CA-MMI-010/ E154 CPU/TO 31W2-2T-122-1
panel, and MCMUs. The power group receives +28 vdc
The ten remaining dc/dc converters require an average
primary power via the PIP and produces the dc
of 150 watts of dc input power each to supply the
operating voltages required for CSCPG operation.
necessary output voltages required for CPU, IOU, IFCU,
There are two types of dc/dc converters in the power
and ADP status and control panel operation. The power
group, four of one type and seven of the other. The
supply located in each of the magnetic tape transports
group of four, AlPS1 and A1PS7, supply the dc
requires approximately 45 watts of +28v primary dc
operating voltages for MCMU 1A and MCMU 2A; AlPS2
power during operation. The power supply in the line
and AlPS3 supply the dc operating voltages for MCMU
printers requires approximately 300 watts of +28v
1B and MCMU 2B, respectively. The remaining seven
primary dc power during printing. The random access
converters are identical and provide power as follows:
storage units require 116v 60-Hz primary power. The
dc/dc converters AiPS4, AlPS5, and A1PS6 provide dc
input primary power requirement of each random access
operating voltages to IOU 1, CPU 1A, and CPU 1B,
storage unit requires approximately 300vA.
respectively; dc/dc converter AlPS8 provides dc
operating voltages to the IFCU; and dc/dc converters
2-29. CSCPG Power Group
AlPS10, AlPS11, and A1PS12 provide operating
The CSCPG power group (fig. 2-10) contains eleven
voltages to IOU 2, CPU 2A, and CPU 2B, respectively.
dc/dc converters which provide dc operating voltages to
the CPUs, IOUs, IFCU, ADP status and 2-16 control