TM 11-5895-856-34-1/EE640-CA-MMI-010/E154 CPU/TO31W2-2T-122-1
manuals. Refer to Section V for wire list information
must be made to efficiently and quickly correct
pertaining to this equipment.
3-7. MTS Test Aid
3-6. Card Cage Troubleshooting
Card cage failures result in the same type of failure
indications as card failures but are not correctable by
Use the MTS test aid to isolate card
card replacement.
If all organizational level card
cage wiring problems will be
replacement attempts fail to correct a fault, nest wiring
indicated if, after replacing cards at
is probably faulty. Using the MTS, MTS test aid (pare 3-
organizational or direct support, a
7), and wiring lists, check and repair wiring in cages
where card replacements were attempted. If card Cage
ERROR indicator display is still
wiring checks good, check cables between cages and to
observed on the MTS.
external devices.
Refer to the organizational
maintenance manual TM 11-5805-681-12-6 (Circuit
The controls and indicators of the MTS test aid are
Switch) or TM 11-5805-683-12-9 (Message Switch) for
listings of failure indications. The majority of card cage
be noted that several groups of indicators on the MTS
failures can be isolated using the MTS, MTS test aid,
test aid will be disregarded in following procedures since
and wire lists. Instructions for use of the MTS are
their functions are not used to identify continuity or short
contained in the organizational maintenance
circuit wiring problems.) Perform the following
procedures to connect and use the MTS test aid.