TM 11-5895-856-34-1/EE640-CA-MMI-010/E154 CPU/TO31W2-2T-122-1
c. Unwrapping a clipped wire and "sliding" the
and replacement. When the fault requires extensive
topmost wire(s) down is not permissible. An example is
repair, i.e., broken connector pins and pyramiding wire
provided in figure 3-3 where a pin must be replaced as
replacement, the card cage must be removed by direct
support personnel for repair at the depot facility. Refer
B. shows the wires removed, and example C shows the
procedures for the card cages in each of the
new wires (AA and AC) installed, with the exception of
wire AB to pin 4. Since three connections are already in
3-11. Pyramiding Wire Replacement
place (X, Y. and B cut-end}, these three connections
When new wiring must be installed, the degree of
must be removed to permit wrapping wire AB.
pyramiding must first be determined before proceeding.
However, if wires X and Y were to be replaced, a
The general restrictions are listed below.
pyramiding condition could be encountered where it may
become impractical and too time-consuming to replace
a. A wire that has been unwrapped cannot be
all other affected wires; i.e., all other wires related to
rewrapped. If an adequate service loop is available, the
wires X and Y replacement. A judgment is then
wire can be clipped and rewrapped; if not, a new wire
necessary before starting to replace any wire, whether
must be installed.
card cage repair or replacement should be undertaken.
b. No more than three wires can be wrapped on a
single pin; a wire that has been clipped off and left in
place counts as one of the three.