TM 11-5895-856-34-1/ E E640-CA-MMI-010/E 154 CPU/TO 31W2-2T-122-1
(6) Set bit in place over wire wrap post (wire
3-12. Wire Wrap Connection
wrap post goes into large hole in bit).
A wire wrap connection may be removed and replaced
by performing the following procedures:
a. Removal To remove a wire wrap connection,
When wrapping a wire on a wire wrap
proceed as follows:
post, the wire wrap connection shall
be in the lowest position possible on
(1) Determine if wire wrap connection to be
the wire wrap post that does not
removed is a right or left hand wrap.
overlap an existing wire wrap
wrap post. (Use end of unwrapping tool marked R for
(7) Holding wire wrap gun lightly, squeeze
right hand wrap or end marked L for left hand wrap.)
trigger of wire wrap gun until wire is wrapped on wire
(3) Unwrap wire from wire wrap post by
wrap post.
twisting unwrapping tool.
(8) Remove bit from wire wrap post.
b. Replacement. To install a wire wrap connection,
c. Installation. Inspect the wire wrap connection to
proceed as follows:
verify that the following criteria are met: (1) Minimum of
seven turns of uninsulated wire.
(2) Insulated wire makes contact with a
minimum of three corners of wire wrap post.
1) into wire wrap gun.
(3) No overlapped turns of wire.
(3) Strip 1.00 inch of insulation from wire to
(4) Maximum space between adjacent turns
be installed.
of uninsulated wire less than one-half the nominal
diameter of uninsulated wire.
(5) End of wrapped wire does not extend
It is not permissible to rewrap the
away from outside diameter of uninsulated wire more
portion of wire that has been
than the diameter of uninsulated wire.
previously wrapped on a wire wrap
Therefore, if there is
(6) All wire turns are below top of wire wrap
insufficient service loop in the wire
to be rewrapped, a complete wire
3-13. Card Cage Connector Contact Repair.
may require replacement. When a
wire is replaced, the replacement
To determine if a card cage
wire shall follow the same route as
the replaced wire.
damaged and requires removal and
(4) Insert stripped wire into small hole of bit
until 0.250 inch of insulation is in hole.
(5) Route wire through slot in sleeve.