TM 11-5805-386-34/NAVELEX 0967-466-1020
Figure 2-12. Ground lug replacement.
connector; make sure it is seated firmly.
2-10 b (4) through (6)).
(5) If entire connector is to be replaced, tag
g. Replacing Module Connector Pins or
e a c h wire to identify its connection before
Connector On Chassis.
disconnecting any; then pull all pins, replace
(1) Remove main chassis from use (para
those pins which are defective, replace the con-
nector shell, and insert connector pins into proper
(2) Pull connector pin with extraction tool
contact positions.
part number (CET-20-11 (FMC 71468).
(6) Reinstall main chassis in case (para
( 3 ) Remove defective connector pin by
cutting wire as close to pin body as possible.
h. Replacing NIGHT ALARM on Common
(4) Crimp wire(s) to replacement pin with
Module. Turn front panel cap of NIGHT ALARM
crimping tool part number MS3191-1 (with
counterclockwise to release NIGHT ALARM.
locator P-20-3191-1), and insert wired pin into