TM 11-5805-386-34/NAVELEX 0967-466-1020
(2) Remove nut, terminal lug, and washer
2-12. Replacement of Battery Case
from inside the case.
The battery case should be removed only if
(3) Remove binding post, shoulder washer,
damaged by battery spew.
and O-ring from rear panel.
a. Removing Battery Case.
c. Installing 4-wire SEND and RECEIVE and
(1) Remove common module from
case (para
Battery + and - Binding Posts El through E14
2-9a) and remove BATTERIES drawer from
on Rear Panel.
common module.
(1) Set Ii-rings, shoulder washer and binding
(2) Unsolder the red (positive) and black
post into rear panel.
(negative) leads from the plus (+) and minus (-)
(2) Slide washer and terminal lug over
terminals at the rear of the battery case.
binding post stud and secure with nut.
(3) Remove four front panel screws adjacent
to the BATTERIES drawer.
d. Removing GND Lug E15 Rear Panel (fig.
(4) Remove two screws at bottom of battery
case going into rear of front panel.
(1) Remove main chassis from the case (para
(6) Remove six screws attaching battery
case to chassis (three screws along each side).
(2) Remove wing nut and two flat washers
(6) Remove battery case; then remove any
from ground lug.
excess RTV compound from along edge of frame.
( 3 ) Remove hex nut, lock washer, flat
b. Installing Battery Case.
washer, and thread seal from ground lug.
(1) Place battery case along bottom edge of
(4) Slide ground lug out of panel (from inside
common module with + and - terminals toward
of chassis) and remove lock washer and two wire
rear; then fasten with six screws to frame.
( 2 ) Insert the two screws through the
e. Installing GND Lug E16 on Rear Panel.
battery case into the rear of the front panel and
(1) Install the wire terminals and internal
tighten screws.
tooth lock washer on ground lug (hex head cap
(3) Fasten the four screws through the front
screw ).
( 2 ) Insert ground lug into ground lug hole of
(4) Solder the red lead to the rear panel +
rear panel, from inside to outside of chassis.
terminal and the black lead to the - terminal.
(3) Slide thread seal, flat washer, and spring
lock washer over ground lug on outside of chassis
Battery case opening must be com-
and secure lug to chassis with hex nut.
pletely covered with sealant to prevent
(4) Install two flat washers and wing nut on
battery spew from damaging equip-
ground lug.
(5) Upset four end threads after assembly of
all attaching parts to retain wing nut.
(5) Apply DOW Corning Sealant type RTV-
731 or equivalent to rear edge of battery case ad-
f . Replacing Module Connector Pins Or
jacent to common module frame.
Connector On Channel Module.
(6) Reinstall batteries and BATTERIES
(1) Release one printed wiring board from
2 - 1 3 . Raplacement of Chassis and Panel
(2) Pull connector pin with extraction tool
Mounted Parts
part number CET-20-11 (FMC 71468).
Most parts mounted on the chassis or panels need
{3) Cut wire(s).
for removal and
no special instructions
(4) Crimp wire(s) to replacement pin with
for which the
T h o s e parts
crimping tool part number MS3191-1 (with
procedures may not be obvious are listed in
locator P-20-3191-1),
d insert wired pin into
subparagraphs b through g below.
connector; make sure it is seated firmly.
a. General. No special disassembly in-
( 5 ) If entire connector is to be replaced, tag
structions are needed for most chassis- and panel-
each wire to identify its connection before
mounted parts. The removal and installation
disconnecting any; then pull all pins, replace
instructions for the binding posts and ground lug
those pins which are defective, replace the
are included.
connector shell, and insert connector pins into
b. Removing 4-wire SEND and RECEIVE,
proper contact positions.
and Battery + and - Binding Posts E1 through
(6) Reinstall printed wiring board (para
E14 from Rear Panel.