TM 11-5805-386-34/NAVELEX 0967-466-1020
(SF 361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in
1-1. Scope
Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as
This technical manual covers direct support and
prescribed in AR 55-38 (Army)/NAVSUPINST
general support maintenance procedures for
4610.33/AFM 75-18/MCO P4610.19A (Marine
Converter, Telephone Signal CV-1919A/G. It
Corps), and DSAR 4500.15.
includes references and repair parts and special
d. Reporting of Equipment Publication Im-
tools lists in the appendixes.
provements. The reporting of errors, omissions,
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
and recommendations for improving this manual
a. Report of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
by the individual user is encouraged. Reports
Equipment. Use equipment forms and records in
should be submitted on DA Form 2028
accordance with instructions given in TM 38-750.
(Recommended Changes to Publications and
b. Report of Packaging and Handling
Blank Forms) and forwarded direct to Com-
Deficiencies. Fill out and forward DD Form 6
mander, US Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
(report of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies)
AMSEL-MA-C, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703.
as prescribed in AR 700-58 (Army)/NAVSUP
e. Administrative Storage. For procedures,
PUB 378 (Navy)/AFR 71-4 (Air Force) MCO
forms and records, and inspections required
P4030.29 (Marine Corps), and DSAR 4145.8.
during administrative storage of the equipment,
refer to TM 740-90-1.
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)