TM 11-5805-356-34-1
and the high and low voltage sections is identical
with that described for an ac power source.
operated in mode two, providing a shorter time-
delay for the faster telegraph signal speed.
(2) At the beginning of a mark signal,
a. Delay Amplifier A1Q1.
transistor A1Q2 is turned off, and its collector
(1) Telegraph signals are applied through
voltage rises to +18 volts. Capacitors A1C3 and
current-limiting resistor A1R2 to the base of
A1C4 charge through collector load resistor A1-
transistor A1Q1. When a space signal (open, no
R7 of transistor A1Q2. The voltage rise across
voltage) is applied to the SEND jack (J1 or J2),
capacitors A1C3 and A1C4 delays the leading
0 volt on the base of transistor A1Q1 cuts A1Q1
edge of the mark pulse applied to the base of
off; the +1.8 volts on its collector is applied to
transistor A1Q3. When a mark-to-space transition
the input of the following stage (A1Q2). When
occurs, transistor A1Q2 is turned on and the col-
a mark (closed circuit) is applied to the SEND
lector voltage drops; capacitors A1C3 and A1C4
jack, transistor A1Q1 is turned on. This places
discharge rapidly through conducting transistor
the base of transistor A1Q2 at a very low volt-
age. Resistors A1R1 and A1R3 provide base and
(3) Resistor A1R6 couples the control sig-
emitter bias, respectively. Resistor A1R4 is the
collector load resistor. Capacitors A1C1 and A1-
A2Q8-A2Q9 from the output of buffer amplifier
C2 provide a time-delay (fig. 2-3) for the in-
coming signals. When the TH-22/TG is oper-
that a break-in signal haa been detected, a posi-
ated in MODE TWO, capacitor A2C2 is removed
tive voltage is applied to the base of delay am-
from the circuit, reducing the time-delay for the
plifier A1Q2 through resistor A1R6. This voltage
faster transmitting speed.
takes control over the transistor operation, caus-
ing the transistor to conduct continuously and
(2) At the beginning of a space signal,
forcing the transistor to remain in a state corre-
transistor A1Q1 is turned off, and the collector
sponding to a space input regardless of the input
voltage rises to +18 volts. Capacitors A1C1 and
applied at the SEND jacks.
A1C2 charge through collector load resistor A1-
c. Emitter Follower A1Q3. Emitter follower
R4 of transistor A1Q1. The slow voltage rise
A1Q3 isolates the modulator from the input cir-
across capacitors A1C1 and A1C2 delays the lead-
cuits. The input signal, developed across capaci-
ing edge of the space pulse applied to the base
tor A1C3 is fed through current-limiting resistor
of transistor A1Q2. When space-to-mark transi-
A1R11 to the base of transistor A1Q3. When
tion occurs, transistor A1Q1 is turned on, the
transistor A1Q3 conducts (mark signal at the in-
collector voltage drops and capacitor A1C1 rapid-
put), the emitter becomes more positive. When
ly discharges through conducting transistor A1-
the incoming signal at the input is a space,
transistor A1Q3 is cut off, making the emitter
b. Delay Amplifier A1Q2.
less positive.
d. Modulator A1CR1-A1CR2.
(1) Input to amplifier A1Q2 is developed
(1) The modulator circuit changes the oper-
across capacitors A1C1 and A1C2. The positive
voltage at the base required to turn transistor
the incoming mark-space signals by connecting
A1Q2 on is applied through base bias resistor
and disconnecting capacitors A105-A1C7 across
A1R5. The pulses that appear at the base of
transistor A1Q2 are amplified and developed
input, the capacitors are connected and the op-
across load resistor A1R7 and capacitor A1C8.
crating frequency of the oscillator is 1282.5 Hz.
Voltage divider A1R8, A1R9, and A1R10 sup-
With a mark input, the capacitors are discon-
plies emitter bias for transistor A1Q2; variable
nected and the operating frequency of the oscil-
resistor A1R9 allows this bias voltage to be ad-
lator is 1817.5 Hz.
justed to the proper operating level. Capaci-
(2) The connection and disconnection of the
tors A1C8 and A1C4 help provide the time-delay
capacitors is controlled by diodes A1CR1 and A1-
for the input telegraph signal. Capacitor A1C4 is
CR2. When the diodes conduct, the capacitiors are
removed from the circuit when the TH-22/TG is
connected to the circuit. When the diodes are