TM 11-5805-715-34/EE119-DB-MMI-010-E154 CV3478/TO 31W2-2TTC39-12
. Card fields 15
through 18 are to be used for notes. Card fields 15
the table heading type code DWG NO. VA 363
and 16 for note 1 and card fields 17 and 18 for note
CASBLK does not apply to the tables contained
2. If and when additional notes are required to
herein. This code is replaced with the actual
cover the end condition of the wire the number 2
drawing number (i.e., DWG NO. SM-B-312375).
card code is used. The number 2 card code (13.1)
uses card fields 13 through 18 for three additional
(1) SHT (3,1).The sheet number in card
notes. The note number is right justified.
fields 1, 2, and 3 is the sheet number which
(3) LOCATION (6.3)
. Card fields 19,
appears in the lower right hand side of a drawing
20, and 21 are used for wiring from one assembly
which is neither supplied nor necessary. Disregard
or sub- assembly to another assembly or
this num- ber.
subassembly. The reference designation of the
(2) LN (3.2) .Card fields 4 and 5 are used
assembly or subassembly must be inserted in card
for line numbering which appears in a drawing not
fields 19 through 21 before the reference
sup- plied nor necessary. Disregard this number.
designation of the component part. The reference
(3) C (3.3) .Card field 6 is used for card
designation of the assembly or subassembly is right
cod- ing 1 and 2. Each code consists of 80
justified. Card fields 22 through 30 are to be used
horizontal card fields. Code 1 reads from the top for
to enter the reference designation and terminal
items (3) through (10) . Code 2 reads from the top
identification of the component part to which the
for items (11) through (17).
end of the wire is connected. The alphanumeric
c. WIFND (4) . Card fields 7, 8 and 9 are
designation is left justified.
used to enter the item number or find number
(4) SH (6.4)
. Card field 31 is used
assigned to the wire in the parts list, table 3-8.
when indi- cating a shield connection. The letter S
d. CLR (5) . Card fields 10, 11 and 12 are
signifies shield connection.
used to enter the color code of the wire insulation.
(5) FIND LUG (6.5) . Card fields 32,
The card field is blank for bare wire. Solid color
33, and 34 are used when terminating hardware is
conductors with no tracers use abbreviations:
being at- tached to the end of the wire. The item or
BLU ........... blue
find number of the parts list is entered. The item or
VIO ............ violet
find number is right justified.
GRA .......... gray
(6) FIND SLV (6.6)
. Card fields 35,
WHT .......... white
36, and 37 are used when insulation sleeving or
BLK ........... black
marker sleeving is required on the end of a lead
either for insulating purposes or for marking. The
Solid color conductors with tracers use multiple
item or find number of the parts list is entered. The
numbers (i.e., 12 is brown with a red tracer; 123 is
item or find number is right justified.
brown with a red tracer and orange tracer):
f. ROUTE (7) . Card fields 38 through 43
are used to indicate the specific routing path of a
lead. Point to point wiring (shortest route) is shown
Violet (purple)
as P/P.
Gray (slate)
g. .... TO...(8)
(1) KY (8.1)
. Card fields 44 and 45
are used for keying. Key is a 2-digit alphanumeric
used as a means of depicting whether the wire is
e. ...FROM...
(6) and (13)
terminated within an assembly or from one
(1) KY (6.1) . Card fields 13 and 14 are
assembly to another.
used for keying. Key is a 2-digit alphanumeric used
(2) NOTES (8.2) . Card fields 46 and
as a means of depicting whether the wire is
47 are to be used for note 1 and card fields 48 and
terminated within an assembly or from one
49 for note 2. When additional notes are required
assembly to another. Disregard this column.
to cover the end condition of the wire, the number 2
card code is used. The number 2 card code has
card fields 44 through 49 assigned for three
additional notes. The note number is right .justified.