TM 11-5805-689-14
Tone-Spring Pile-Ups Operated
13.1.8 Remove the screws securing the DTMF
KS-3 and -6
KS-2 and -7
13.1.9 Carefully remove the printed wiring board
and lay to one side. The printed wiring board is wired
KS-1 and -7
to the keysender, but the lead length of the wires
KS-3 and -7
allow removal of the board from the keysender far
13.4 Common Switch Adjustment Criteria
enough to allow adjustment of the keysender con-
tacts without unsoldering of wires (refer to Figure 9).
13.4.1 In the unoperated condition the actuating
13.1.10 Carefully slide the keysender out of the
slide must be held against its stop by the tension
spring. The tension spring must be the only spring
module, through the opening in the side of the
exerting a force against the slide. Other springs may
be in contact with, but not exert sufficient force to
13.1.11 The rest of the components in the common
cause the slide to move away from its stop.
module, such as the night alarm, release and seize
13.4.2 In the unoperated position, each combination
switches, etc., can also be removed for maintenance
must be made with a minimum contact pressure of
purposes by removing the screws from the common
10 grams.
circuit wiring board and swinging it back as defined
13.4.3 In the fully operated position each com-
in step 13.1.3 above.
bination must be opened with a minimum contact
13.1.12 After the keysender has been removed it can
separation of 0.010 inch.
be adjusted for proper spring tension etc. utilizing
13.5 C o m m o n M o d u l e S u b a s s e m b l y R e m o v a l
the following information.
The following procedures should be utilized when
When handling the keysender, extreme care
removal of the various subassemblies in the common
must be taken not to grasp the keysender in
module is necessary. In all subassembly removal
such a manner that the fingers touch the
procedures, the batteries must be removed prior to
spring pile-ups. Grasping by the spring pile-
removal of the subassemblies.
ups will upset their adjustment.
13.5.1 Night Alarm Removal
13.2 Sequence of Operation. When any keysender
Repeat steps 13.0 through 13.1.1 above to allow
pushbutton is operated, the associated tone springs
exposure of the night alarm unit inside the common
must make contact prior to make or break functions
l o o s e n i n g the adjustment screw and properly
a. The night alarm unit is not keyed and is held
positioning the common switch assembly on the
into place by the knurled ring on the front panel.
mounting plate.
b. Firmly grasp the body of the night alarm unit
13.3 Tone Switch Adjustment Criteria
inside the common module to keep it from turning
13.3.1 All bifurcated (dual) tone springs must rest
and unscrew the knurled ring from the front panel.
c. Remove the night alarm unit from the panel by
against their plastic stops with a minimum of 10
pulling it back out of the front panel.
13.3.2 All solid tone springs must rest against their
d. Remove the two screws securing the wires to
asociated crank arms with a minimum pressure of 10
the night alarm unit.
e. To replace the night alarm unit, reverse the
13.3.3 In the non-operated condition there must be a
above procedures.
minimum clearance of 1/32 inch between associated
tone springs.
When removing and replacing the wires on
13.3.4 When operating, a tone-spring combination
the night alarm unit, polarity of the con-
must make with a minimum follow of 1/32 inch.
nection is important and must be observed
to prevent damage to the unit.
13.3.5 Pushbutton and tone-spring association is as
13.6 Seize and Release Switch Removal and
follows. See Figure 10 for orientation of tone-spring
Replacement Procedures (fig. 1 4 )
Tone-spring Pile-ups Operated
a. Remove screws securing the common circuit
printed wiring board to the common module frame.
KS- 1 and -4
b. Swing hinged board out to expose the internal.
KS-2 and -4
KS-3 and -4
KS-1 and -5
the from panel used to
c. Remove the hex n~
KS-2 and -5
,. C.'i to the front panel.
secure the seize or rel'
KS-3 and -5
d. Remove the switch from the front panel by
KS-1 and -6
taking it out of the module from the inside.
KS-2 and -6