TM 11-5805-689-14
13.9.2 Telephone Jack Removal and Replacement
e. Unsolder the wires attached to the switch.
Wires should be tagged for proper identification
a. Remove the hex nuts securing the telephone
during reinstallation.
jacks to the front panel of the channel module.
f. To install replacement switch, reverse
b. Remove both jacks through the side of the
procedures a through e above.
module. Be extremely careful not to break any of the
13.7 Power On-Off Switch Removal and
wires attached to the jacks.
Replacement Procedures (fig. 1 6 )
c. Unsolder and tag the wires from the jack being
a. Repeat steps a and b, paragraph 13.6 above.
replaced to insure proper termination of the wires
b. Remove the hex nut and washers securing the
when installing the replacement unit.
power on-off switch to the front panel.
d. Reverse the procedures in steps a through c
c. Remove the switch from the rear of the front
above to install the replacement unit.
13.10 Channel Circuit Printed Wiring Board
d. Unsolder the wires. T a g wires for proper
Removal and Replacement Procedures (figs. 7 and
identification during reinstallation.
e. Reverse procedures of steps a through d above
a. Unsolder and tag all the wires attached to
to install replacement switch.
printed wiring board.
13.8 Channel Module Removal and Replacement
b. Remove the two screws securing the printed
wiring board to the hinge.
a. Remove the screws on the front panel securing
c. Reverse the above procedure for installation of
the channel module to the combination case.
replacement unit.
b. Pull out on the handle on the front of the
13.11 Access Switch Removal and Replacement
module being removed until the module is com-
pletely free of case.
a. Remove the hex nut securing the access switch
c. Reverse above procedures for installing new
to the front panel.
b. Remove the access switch from the front panel
13.9 Channel Module Subassemblies Removal and
through the side of the module.
c. Unsolder and tag all the wires on the access
switch to insure proper termination of the wires on
To gain access to the subassemblies con-
the replacement switch.
tained in the channel module, the module
d. Reverse the procedures in steps a through c
must first be removed from the combination
above for installation of replacement unit.
13.12 Disassembly Procedures for Lightning
securing "the printed wiring board to the
module frame must be removed and the
a. Access to
the lightning arrestors and internal
hinged PWB swung outward to expose the
connections to the binding posts is obtained by
turning the quarter turn fasteners of a turn
instances, the side cover plate may have to
These fasteners secure the
be removed (by removing the screws
lightning arrestor cover to the case. Care should be
securing it to the module frame).
1 3 . 9 . 1 Service Request Indicator Removal and
taken when removing the cover so as not to tear the
Replacement Procedures
cover gasket. If the gasket is damaged during the
removal of the cover, replace with a new gasket
a. Remove the two screws securing the service
before reinstalling the cover.
request indicator to the front panel of the channel
b. The lightning arrestors have bayonette type
sockets and can be removed by turning the arrestor
b. Remove the service request indicator from the
counter-clockwise approximately one quarter of a
back of the front panel. Be careful not to loosen the
turn and pulling out. To install a replacement
flange on the front of the front panel. This flange is
arrestor, reverse this procedure.
used to secure the service request indicator to the
c. To replace a damaged binding post, unsolder
front panel.
the wire attached to the binding post and remove the
c. Unsolder the wires on the service request
hex nut securing the post to the enclosure and
indicator. Tag wires as they are removed to assure
remove the binding post. Reverse this procedure for
proper terminations when installing the replacement
installation of a replacement binding post.
d. When repairs have been completed, replace the
d. Reverse procedures of steps a through c to
arrestor enclosure cover being extremely careful to
install replacement unit.