TM ll-5805-587-l5/3
DC0 Trunk, Incoming Access.
a . Purpose, T h e p u r p o s e o f t h i s t e s t i s t o v e r i f y t h a t t h e
trunk is operative when accessed for incoming calls,
T h e f o l l o w i n g equ
b . Test Equipment and Materials-
required for this test.
( 1 ) T r u n k T e s t S e t , Stromberg-Carlson 433871-018.
(2) Headset Assembly, Stromberg-Carlson 205701-000.
(3) Dummy Plugs, three-wire, ADC Products (or equivalent).
c . Test Connections and Conditions, The following test connec-
tions and conditions apply to this procedure.
(1) If the equipment must be kept in continuous operation,
perform this test during periods of light traffic,-
(2) T h e b u s y p o s i t i o n f o r a l l B S Y s w i t c h e s i s w i t h t h e s l o t
horizontal. The normal position with the slot vertical.
(3) When connecting the PATCH TO TRUNKS connector, on the
test set, to the M plug, associated with the trunk under test, use
cord and plug assembly SC-207190-499, which is supplied
test set.