TM 11-5805-587-15/3
TO 31W2-l-471-3
Preventive maintenance (PM) is work performed on equipment to
keep it in good working condition so that breakdowns and needless
interruptions in service will be kept to a minimum.
tive is to prevent trouble from occurring.
The following para-
graphs present standards for performing preventive maintenance, a
be performed.
Preventive Maintenance Standards.
Preventive maintenance on the TSC equipment consists mainly in
making sure the equipment is neither neglected nor abused.
following suggestions are given to help prevent introducing un-
necessary troubles in the equipment.
Do not adjust or otherwise tamper with equipment controls
except during alignment procedures.
Disturb equipment wiring as little as possible when perform-
Perform cleaning operations only when necessary and not as a
matter of routine.
Remove and replace circuit plate dust covers carefully to
Mark equipment controls in their aligned positions for re-
fer&e purposes.
Circuit and component adjustments (timing circuits, relays,
mot&switches, etc.) should not be made as a matter of routine;
perform the necessary operations only after a trouble has been
found and the faulty circuit or component located.
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Periods.
Preventive maintenance checks and services on the TSC equipment
are required daily in accordance with paragraph 4-6, weekly in
accordance with paragraph 4-7, monthly in accordance with para-
graph 4-8, quarterly in accordance with paragraph 4-9, semiannually
in accordance with paragraph 4-10, and annually in accordance
with paragraph 4-11.