TM 9-2320-269-20-1
It is necessary for you to know how fluid leaks affect the status of your equipment. The following are definitions of the
types/classes of leakage you need to know to be able to determine the status of your equipment. Learn and be familiar
with them and REMEMBER - when in doubt notify Organizational Maintenance.
Class I
Seepage of fluid (indicated by wetness or discoloration)
not great enough to form drops.
Class II
Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops, but not enough
to cause drops to drip from the item being
Class III
Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from
being checked/inspected.
ITEM NUMBER. This column shows the sequence of doing the checks and services, and is used to identify the equipment
area on the equipment inspection and maintenance worksheet, (DA Form 2404).
INTERVAL. This column tells when each check is to be done.
ITEM TO BE INSPECTED. This column tells what checks and services you have to do and how to do them.
If the vehicle is to be kept in continuous operation, check and service only
those items that can be done without disturbing operations. Make the
complete checks and services when the vehicle and equipment can be
shut down.