TM 11 6625 1668-12
3-12. Operation in Arctic Climates
Subzero temperatures and climatic conditions associated with cold weather affect the efficient operation of the
equipment. Instructions and precautions for operation under such adverse conditions are-
a. Keep the equipment warm and dry.
b. When equipment that has been exposed to the cold is brought into a warm room, moisture will gather on
the equipment; this may cause a change in operating characteristics. When the equipment reaches room
temperature, dry it thoroughly. Wipe the exterior surfaces with a soft cloth. Dry the internal surfaces using a
fan or warm air blower. Do not wipe circuit boards.
3-13. Operation in Tropical Climates
When operated in tropical climates, installation may be made in tents, huts, or, when necessary, in under-
ground dugouts. When equipment is installed below ground and when it is set up in swampy areas, moisture
conditions are more acute than normal in the tropics. Ventilation is usually very poor, and the high relative
humidity causes condensation on the equipment whenever the temperature of the equipment becomes lower
than that of the surrounding air. To minimize this condition, provide, as good ventilation as possible. Dry
equipment thoroughly before operating it. Do not handle moist circuit boards. Open front hinged panels for
better air circulation.
3-14. Operation in Desert Climates
a. The main problem that arises with equipment operation in desert areas is the large amount of sand,
dust, or dirt that enters the equipment.
b. Be careful to keep the equipment as free from dust as possible. Make frequent preventive maintenance
checks (ch. 4). This equipment does not need lubrication and should be kept free from oil and grease.
Excessive amounts of dust, sand, or dirt that come into contact with oil and grease result in grit, which will
damage the equipment.
When operating the equipment at temperatures over 130F, open all hinged panel doors
slightly to provide additional ventilation of heat from compartments.