TM 11-6625 1668-12
Horizontal ....................................
Scale calibrations are provided for both 5-level and 8-level codes.
Auto--Triggering is external from the analyzer. The sweep is a digital ramp wave-
shape derived by decoding character timing signals from the analyzer unit. Sweep
rate adjusts automatically to display one start-stop character or 8 synchronous
Internal Triggering is external from the analyzer. The sweep is a linear ramp
waveshape derived internally with a rate determined by the variable time base
Free-Run--Triggering is internal. The sweep is a linear ramp waveshape derived
internally with a rate determined by the variable time base control
Variable time-base.......................
Provides sweep times from 60 micro-seconds to 600 milliseconds in five ranges
(0.05, 0.5 ,5, 50 and 500 ma) with an overlapping denier control.
Z-axis intensification ....................
Transition intensification is provided with a front panel on-off switch. Intensifies first
10% of a bit at all speeds.
Display release modes.................
Normal--Blanking signals from the analyzer provides for display of each character,
Blanking signals from the analyzer provide a continual display of the complete
horizontal sweep for all modes of trigger ant sweep Select when the analyzer
transition control is in the "ALL" position.
When the analyzer transition control is in position "1" through "9" (start-stop signals
only) the selected transition time period (60% earlier to 60 % later than ideal
transition point) is displayed with the balance of the sweep blanked out. This type
of blanking operates in both the AUTO and INT. positions of the trigger and sweep
select. In the AUTO position, the sweep starts at the beginning of a character. In
the INT. position the sweep starts at the beginning of the selected transition time
Variable--Blanking signals produced internally provide a controlled display release
rate variable from 1 to 2 seconds between sweeps.
Manual-A single sweep is displayed through operation of a front panel, spring-
115/280 VAC 10%, 47-420 Hz, 30 watts.
Input power..................................
7" high, 19" wide, 18 behind front panel, handles and removable flanges for portable
applications, Weight: Approximately 89 pounds.