TM 11-5805-689-14
each channel to clear both the SRI and night
3.0. Installing Batteries
alarm. All three SRI's will have to be cleared
Batteries for the Converter are not shipped with the
b e f o r e the night alarm will be silenced. If
equipment. Batteries can be installed at a depot or at
audible alarm is to be silenced when power is
t h e operational site. I n s t a l l the batteries as
applied, t u r n t h e v o l u m e c o n t r o l o n - o f f
described below:
s w i t c h (on the front panel of the common
m o d u l e ) to the OFF position before setting
the power on-off switch to the ON position.
equipped with batteries. Before installing
4.3 Attach a pair of wires from the send pair binding
batteries, check to insure the power on-off
posts for channel 1 to the receive pair binding posts
switch is in the OFF position.
for channel 2. Connect a second pair of wires from
3.1 Use fresh batteries which show no signs of
t h e send pair binding posts for" channel 2 of the
r e c e i v e pair binding posts for channel 3.
3.2 Locate the battery compartment on the front
4.4 Insert the operators' answer cord into one of the
channel 2 jacks.
3.3 Turn the knob counter clockwise until the cover
can be pulled out from the front of the panel.
d e p r e s s e d and depress slowly and firmly each digit
3.4 Insert four (4) D-size flashlight battery cells into
key on the keysender. Digit tones will be heard in the
the battery compartment; align polarities in ac-
headset when each digit key is depressed. Repeat the
cordance with the diagram on the instruction plate
above steps for each channel by inserting the answer
located on the back of the Converter (see Figure 3).
cord into the appropriate channel jack. Release the
3.5 Thread the shaft (protruding from the battery
ACCESS pushbutton when finished.
cover) between the two rows of batteries and tighten
4 . 6 Insert the operators' answer cord into the jack
into place by turning the knob clockwise until tight.
for channel 2.
4.7 Insert a cord from the manual switchboard (SB-
Batteries will not make contact with the
circuitry if batteries are inserted improperly.
If Converter does not operate, check battery
4.8 Set the night alarm switch for maximum volume
3.6 To remove the batteries, turn the knob counter
4 . 9 Depress and hold the ACCESS pushbutton for
clockwise until the front battery cover is free and
c h a n n e l 1 while depressing the SEIZE pushbutton
pull out. (An extractor is attached to the front cover
( l o c a t e d on the common module front panel). The
via the separation shaft.) The batteries will be ex-
f o l l o w i n g events take place:
tracted when the shaft is pulled out.
a . A 2250 Hz seize tone should be heard in the
4.0. Preinstallation Check
headset .
After the batteries have been installed in the Con-
b. The night alarm will be activated and the SRI
f o r channel 2 will indicate a request-for-service.
preinstallation check. This check can be performed in
c . Release the ACCESS and Seize pushbuttons.
the field
d . The 2250 Hz tone is extinguished.
4.1 Set the power on-off switch to the ON position by
e. The night alarm and SRI remain activated for
pulling out the bat-handle and moving to the ON
channel 2.
4 . 1 0 Depress the ACCESS and SEIZE pushbutton
4.2 Check the condition of the service request in-
for channel 2.
dicators (SRI). If an indicator flag is visible, depress
a . The SRI for channel 2 returns to normal (no
the access switch for that particular channel.
b. The SRI lamp for channel 3 indicates a request-
If the night alarm switch is in the ON
position, the night alarm may be activated
c . The night alarm comes on.
(audible) when power is first tured on.
4.11 Depress the ACCESS pushbutton for channel 1
Momentarily depress access pushbuttons of