TM ll-5805-587-l5/3
TO 31W2-1-471-3
This co1
shows whether the alarm is an
or a nonemergency (NEM) alarm.
Guide color. This column provides the color of the guide
lamp (located at the end of a row of equipment and at the power
board) which is associated with the particular alarm, The alarm
indication at its origination is not necessarily the same color as
the guide lamp.
f . To release alarm. This column describes the procedure re-
quired for releasing an artificial alarm and, where applicable,
for resetting the alarm circuit.
Test Equipment.
The following equipment is required to perform these tests.
(1) Selector/selector control test set, SC-433858-028.
(2) One clip lead.
Testing Procedure.
The order of testing is at the option of the testing personnel,
However, i t i s s u g g e s t e d t h a t t e s t i n g b e g i n a t t h e p o w e r a n d s u p e r -
visory board and then continue on a row-by-row basis. T e s t i n g i n
each row should commence with the row supervisory panel and proceed
down the row, checking all alarms on both sides of the row before
proceeding to the next row. Each alarm indication which originates
in a row of equipment produces a visual indication at its origina-
tion, a visual indication at the end of the row, and both audible
and visual indications at the power board and at the switchboard.
The testing personnel should verify that all alarm indications are
released or reset before proceding to the next test.