TM ll-5805-587-l5/3
purpose of this test is to verify operation
The following equipment is
Test Set, Stromberg-Carlson 433871-018.
erg-Carlson 205701-000.
C. T e s t C o n n e c t i o n s a n d C o n d i t i o n s . T h e f o l l o w i n g t e s t c o n n e c -
ions and conditions apply to this procedure.
If the equipment must be kept in continuous operation,
this test during periods of light traffic.
(2) The busy position for all BSY switches is with the slot
orizontal. The normal Position is with the slot vertical.
connecting the PATCH TO TRUNKS connector, on the test
lug, associated with the trunk under test, use cord
ly SC-207190-499, which is supplied with the test set.
e n c o e c t i n g the MULTI-FREQ SUPPLY connector, on the
test set,
SUPPLY connector, on the trunk bay frame, use
cord and plug assembly SC-297190-599, which is supplied with the
test set.