TM ll-5805-587-15/3
To 3lW2-1-471-3
4-23. Timeout Capability.
a . P u r p o s e . The purpose of this test is to verify that the reg-
ister-sender will time out if dialing does not take place within 15
seconds after seizure or if an interdigit pause of more than 15 sec-
onds occurs.
The following equipment is
b . Test Equipment and Materials.
required for this test.
(1) Hand Test Telephone, SC-203685-000.
(2) stop watch.
c . 'rest Connections and Conditions. The following test connec-
tions and conditions apply to this procedure.
(1) If the equipment must be kept in continuous operation,
perform this test during periods of light traffic.
(2) The busy position for BSY switches is with the slot
horizontal. The normal position is with the slot vertical.