TM 11-6625-1668-12
C-1. Scope
This appendix contains a list of repair parts and special tools required for the performance of organizational
maintenance for Test Sets, Telegraph AN/GGM-15(V)1 and AN/GGM-15(V)2.
C-2. General
This repair parts and special tools list is divided into four sections.
a. Prescribed Load Allowance List (PLA), Section II. The PLA is a
consolidated listing of
repair parts
allocated for initial stockage at organizational maintenance level. This is a mandatory minimum stockage
b. Special Tools, Test & Support Equipment for Organizational Maintenance, Section III.. Special tools,
test equipment, and support equipment authorized for organizational maintenance is included in this section.
c. Repair Parts for Organizational Maintenance, Section IV. Repair parts authorized for organizational
maintenance is included in this section.
d. Federal Stock Number Cross-Reference Index, Section V. This is a
cross-reference index of
stock numbers to illustrations by figure and symbol number.
C-3. Explanation of Columns
An explanation of the columns in sections II through IV is given below.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Codes, Column 1, Sections III and IV.
(1) Source code, column 1a. The selection status and source for the listed item is noted here. Source
code and its explanation is as follows:
P .............................
Applies to repair parts that are stocked in or supplied from the GSA/DSA, or Army supply system,
and authorized for use at indicated maintenance categories.
(2) Maintenance code, column 1b. The lowest category of maintenance authorized to install the listed
item is noted here.
O .............................
Organizational maintenance
(3) Recoverability code, column 1c. The information in this column indicates whether unserviceable
items should be returned for recovery or salvage. Recoverability codes and their explanations are as follows:
When no code is indicated in the recoverability column, the part will be considered
R .............................
Applies to repair parts and assemblies are economically repairable at DSU and GSU activities and
normally are furnished by supply on an exchange basis.
T .............................
Applies to high dollar value recoverable repair parts which are subject to special handling and are
issued on an exchange basis. Such repair parts normally are repaired or overhauled at depot
maintenance activities.
U .............................
Applies to repair parts specifically selected for salvage by reclamation units because of precious
metal content, critical materials, high dollar value reusable casings or castings.
for the item is indicated in this column.
number, Federal item name, a five-digit manufacturer's code and a part number are included in this column.
The designator (X) indicates the different models of the end equipment. For subsequent appearances of the
same item, the manufacturer's code and part number are omitted. The words "same as" followed by the group
or component heading when it first appeared on the list will follow the item name.