TM 11-5895-856-34-1/E E640-CA-MMI-010/ E154 CPU/TO 31W2-2T-122-1
Table 3-21. String, Connector and Logic List Column Definitions
The following entries are a composite list of all column titles used in Connector, String and Logic
Record Number
Consists of a sequence number for each wire.
The originating end of a wire.
Not used.
Any type of originating point, plug, receptacle, etc.
Exact originating point of the respective connector.
Designations are unique.
a. SHXXXX indicates the junction of a shield and a pigtail, the four right-most digits are the wire
identity of the shielded wire.
b. JCT indicates a common point of two or more wires.
c. Jacket is the terminology used when describing the line that defines the identification of a shielded
Sh. Fig.
Not used.
The terminating end of a wire.
Not used.
Same as FROM connector.
Same as FROM connector.
Sh. Fig.
Not used.
Associates a wire of a group such as twisted pair, shielded pair, jacket, pigtails and center
conductor will be shown as a common group.
A 3-digit code for wire type and gauge or bus bar.
A color according to standard color code.
a. Base stripe tracer.
b. Strip. Tracer 1 and Tracer 2 if the left-most digit is other than 9 and the two right-most positions are
not black and not equal. The base color is understood to be white.
A number stamped on wire or sleeving to differentiate it from another. Not used in all wiring.
Spc Inst Misc
A code which indicates that a wire must be given special attention as follows:
a, Direct routing with no service loops or harnessing.
b. Not used for maintenance.
c. Not used for maintenance.
d. Two wires terminating in one device.
e. Not used for maintenance.
f Refer to Signal Description column for this line.
g. This connection does not go direct to the TO connector but intersects a wire going to the TO con-
h. Not used for maintenance.
i. Junction point for MLB (multiple laminate board; i.e., printed circuit cards) connections.
j. Designates a bus reference point.
k. through z. not used for maintenance.
An alphanumeric signal name, mnemonic, where feasible, which identifies one specific function
from another.
SPP denotes an available termination.
SPW denotes a non-functional wire which is terminated at one or both ends.
SPF denotes an unwired termination which has assigned use.
SPO denotes a spare output of a circuit.
DNW indicates that a termination may not be wired.
SPA denotes an unassigned circuit, one of a group on a circuit card.
SPI indicates a spare input of a circuit card.
SPG indicates an unassigned logic gate on a circuit card.
SPR indicates a spare resistor.
SPD indicates an unassigned diode of an assigned gate.
Seq. No.
Not used for maintenance.
A mnemomic name assigned to each gate of an element.
An OR function composed of one or more factors.
A specific input to a logic gate or active element.
Ckt. or Chip Type
Denotes a specific circuit card type.
Denotes a specific circuit on an circuit card.
Denotes the current drain in milliamperes of a specific circuit or voltage.
Test Points AND
Denotes the specific input test point on a circuit card.
Denotes the specific output test point on a circuit card.
Signal Description
An English description or name of a signal or voltage.
- A letter-number combination to show the ECO level of the specific wire list record.