TM 11-5805-715-34/EE119-DB-MMI-010/E154 CV3478/TO 31W2-2TTC39-12
Envelope delay
25 microsec and between
All circuit components are mounted on printed
600 Hz and 3200 Hz (band
circuit cards which are conformal coated for
elimination filter removed
protection against moisture, dust, and other
from circuit).
Idle channel noise -52.7
for transmit and one for receive, provide the NIU
dBmp max or 5.2 nwp (37.3
with an 8-channel capability. One additional circuit
card, common to all channels, supplies the 2600-
55 dB minimum between
Hz signaling frequency, 1050-Hz test frequency,
transmit and receive at any
and the 32-kHz and 500-Hz clocks. The NIU is
frequency between 300 Hz
designed to operate unattended and has no
and 3400 Hz; 70 dB
external operator controls other than a circuit
minimum between different
breaker located on the power supply. Those
channels in the NIU; 65 dB
controls required for the initial adjustment of signal
minimum between signaling
level and for testing are located directly on the
and traffic channels.
individual printed circuit cards.
600 ohms resistive; Return
1-9. Technical Characteristics
loss 18 dB minimum
between 300 Hz and 3400
a. Power
Hz (reference to 600-ohm
Input voltage:
115 volts ac
50, 60, or 400 Hz
Longitudinal balance:
single phase
40 dB minimum from 300 Hz
1. 0 amp (max.)
to 3400 Hz.
b. Transmission Characteristics.
Rise and fall time: 5 msec maximum measured
Insertion loss:
With the transmit and
(DC signaling)
at receiver end.
receive gain adjustment
c. Environmental Characteristics.
equal to 0 dB; a dB 0.5 dB
Temperature (operating):
measured with a 900-Hz test
-50 degrees F to + 125
tone at -4 dBm.
degrees F.
-70 degrees to 160 degrees
35 dB minimum of any single
0 to 100 percent.
to 3400 Hz (test frequency
Altitude (operating):
power at - 4 dBm).
Sea level to 10,000 feet.
900-Hz test tone at + 4 dBm
Altitude (nonoperating):
from the NIU not limited.
Sea level to 40,000 feet.
Amplitude vs. Frequency
d. Electrical Characteristics.
All frequencies between 300
HI-level receiver: Input level: -16 dbm to
response:Hz and 3400 Hz
-4 dbm
will be within 1.0 dB with
-10 dbm 1.5 db
Hz (3-dB points below 275
Hz and above 3500 Hz).
-10 dbm 4.5 db
(facility toler-
ance) at the
Hz signaling fre-
LO-level receiver: Input level: -31 dbm to - 13
dbm at the 2600
Hz signaling