(1) Source code. Indicates the manner of
1-1. Scope
acquiring support items for maintenance, repair,
This manual lists basic issue items, items troop
or overhaul of end items. Source males are--
installed or authorized, repair parts, and special
tools required by the crew/operator for opera-
tion and required for the performance of organi-
PA--Item procured and stocked for anticipated
zational, direct support, general support, and de-
or known usage.
pot maintenance of the SB-993/GT. The PCCN
P B - I t e m procured and stocked for insurance
for the SB-993/GT is GCWAAY for all models.
purposes because essentiality dictates that a
minimum quantity be available in the supply
1-2. General
This basic issue items, items troop installed or
PC-Item procured and stocked and which
authorized, repair parts, and special tools list is
otherwise would be coded PA except that it is
divided into the following sections-
deteriorative in nature.
a . Basic Issue Item List-Section II. Not ap
PD-Support item, excluding support equipment,
p r o c u r e d for initial issue or outfitting and
b. Item Troop Installed or Authorized List-
stocked only for subsequent or additional ini-
Section III. Not applicable.
c. Prescribed Load Allowance (PLA)-Sec-
matic replenishment.
tion IV. Not applicable.
P E - S u p p o r t equipment procured and stocked
for initial issue or outfitting to specified main-
p a i r parts authorized for the performance of
tenance repair activities.
maintenance at the organizational level. This re-
PF-Support equipment which will not be
pair parts list is arranged in alphabetical order.
stocked but which will be centrally procured
e. Special Tools, T e s t a n d s u p p o r t E q u i p -
on demand
ment-Section VI. Not applicable.
P G - I t e m procured and stocked to provide for
sustained support for the life of the equip-
ment. It is applied to an item peculiar to the
repair parts authorized for the performance of
equipment which because of probable discon-
maintenance at the direct support, general sup-
tinuance or shutdown of production facilities
port, and depot level.
would prove uneconomical to reproduce at a
g . Special Tools, Test and Support Equip-
later time.
ment-Section VIII. Not applicable.
KD--An item of depot overhaul/repair kit and
h . Index-Federal Stock Number and Refer-
not purchased separately. Depot kit defined as
ence Number cross-Reference to Figure and
a kit that provides items required at the time
I t e m Number-Section IX. A list in ascending
of overhaul or repair.
numerical sequence, of all Federal stock num-
KF--An item of a maintenance kit and not pur-
bers appearing in the listings, followed by a list,
chased separately. Maintenance kit defined as
in alphameric sequence, of all reference numbers
a kit that provides an item that can be re-
appearing in the listings. Federal stock number
placed at organizational or direct support or
and reference numbers are cross-referenced t o
general support levels of maintenance.
each illustration figure and item number or ref-
KB-Item included in both a depot overhaul/re-
erence designation appearance.
pair kit and a maintenance kit.
MO-Item to be manufactured or fabricated at
1 - 3 . Explanation of Columns
organizational level.
T h e following provides an explanation of col-
MF--Item to be manufactured or fabricated at
um found in the tabular list.
direct support maintenance level
MH--Item to be manufactured or fabricated at
a Source, Maintenance, and Recorerabilitv
general support maintenance level
Codes (SMR).