b. Section III. Basic Issue Items. These are
the minimum essential items required to place
the SB-993/GT in operation, to operate it, and to
perform emergency repairs. Although shipped
separately packed they must accompany the SB-
9 9 3 / G T during operation and whenever it is
transferred between accountable officers. The
illustrations will assist you with hard-to-identify
items. This manual is your authority to requisi-
t i o n replacement
Bll, based on TOE/MTOE
authorization of the end item.
Explanation of Columns
a. Column (1) - Illustration Number (Illus
Number). This column indicates the number of
the illustration in which the item is shown.
b. Column (2) - National Stock Number. in-
dicates the National stock number assigned to
the item and will be used for requisitioning pur-
Column (3) - Description. Indicates the Na-
tional item name and, if required, a minimum
description to identify and Iocate the item. The
last line for each item indicated the FSCM (in
parentheses) followed by the part number.
d. Column (4) - Unit of Measure (U/M). In-
dicates the measure used in performing the ac-
t u a l operational/maintenance function. This
measure i s e x p r e s s e d b y a t w o - c h a r a c t e r